Grants & Awards

The European Calcified Tissue Society aims to encourage high-quality research.  ECTS supports New Investigators, nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) by offering a number of awards related to submission of an abstract for the ECTS 2023 Congress.  These grants and awards are designed to recognise and stimulate outstanding research in the field of calcified tissues and related disciplines.

How to apply


  • Applications can only be made during the online abstract submission process, closing on 12 December 2022, 23:59 CET.
  • In the abstract submission form, tick on the appropriate award you are applying
  • Make sure that the name of the presenting author matches with the name of the applicant
  • Upload during the abstract submission a proof of eligibility: a letter signed by the head of the department on the department’s letterhead confirming that you meet the eligibility criteria (such as professional status, age,…).

ECTS New Investigator Awards


€ 750,- per award

ECTS is pleased to offer grants of €750 each for the highest scoring abstracts submitted by new investigators to ECTS 2023.

Available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:
  • The applicant is the presenting author
  • The applicant is a member of ECTS
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 35 years at the time of the application
  • The applicant must submit a signed confirmation of eligibility form from their Head of Department
  • The applicant must not be a previous ECTS New Investigator Award winner


ECTS Rare Bone Diseases Research Awards

€ 750,- per award

Up to 10 Research Awards are available for the highest scoring abstracts submitted by new investigators to ECTS 2023 in the field of “paediatric bone diseases” or “rare bone diseases”. 

Maria Luisa Bianchi New Investigator Awards

Made available thanks to the financial support from Maria Luisa’s family, these awards are available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:

  • The applicant is the presenting author
  • The applicant is a member of ECTS
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 35 years at the time of the application
  • The applicant must submit a signed confirmation of eligibility form from their Head of Department
  • The abstract must be submitted to the category “Paediatric bone disease” or “Rare bone disease”.

ECTS – ICCBH New Investigator Award

Made available thanks to the financial support from ICCBH, these awards are available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:

  • The applicant is first or presenting author
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 35 years at the time of the application
  • The abstract must be submitted to the category “Paediatric bone disease” or “Rare bone disease”.

BRS New Investigator Awards


Free registration to BRS Annual Meeting

For the top scoring abstracts from eligible authors. The award will consist of free registration to the annual conference.
To apply – Tick the box on the abstract form and upload the eligibility form that can be downloaded here.

Eligibility criteria: (you must meet all below criteria)

  • A Member of BRS (at the time of applying and during the annual meeting)
  • In training or within 5 years of attainment of higher degree or completion of specialist training based on full time equivalent work (allowances can be made for career breaks e.g. maternity leave/sickness/changing careers or for those working part time; please add details).
  • You will be the presenting author of the abstract
  • You will only be eligible for an award if you have not been awarded one in the previous two years.

ECTS Central Eastern Europe Travel Award


The ECTS CEE Award was established to encourage early career scientists and MDs resident in a Central Eastern European Country to present a poster during the ECTS Annual Congress.

The CEE Award is available for the highest scoring abstracts submitted to ECTS 2023 by applicants who meet below criteria:

  • The applicant is the first author or presenting author
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 35 years at the time of the application
  • The applicant is resident in a Central Eastern European Country

Award will cover:

  • Free congress registration
  • Research Award: 300€
  • Travel Grant: up to 450€ to cover hotel and travel
  • Free ECTS membership for 1 year


ECTS Travel Grants


€ 300,- per grant

ECTS is pleased to offer grants of €300 each for the highest scoring abstracts submitted by new investigators to ECTS 2023.

Available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:

  • The applicant is the presenting author
  • The applicant is a member of ECTS
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 35 years at the time of the application
  • The applicant must submit a signed confirmation of eligibility form from their Head of Department


ECTS Nurses & Allied Health Award


€ 300,- per award

Available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:
  • The applicant is the presenting author
  • The applicant is a member of ECTS
  • The applicant is a nurse or an allied health professional (physiotherapist, dietician, nutritionist)
  • The applicant must submit a signed confirmation of eligibility form from their Head of Department


ECTS East-meets-West Research Award


€ 600,- per award

Available to applicants who satisfy the following criteria:

  • The applicant is the first author or presenting author of one or several submission from institutions located in China, Japan, Korea and India
  • The applicant is within three years of attaining a PhD, or is a physician in training, or is aged under 40 years at the time of the application


The following awards will be announced during the 2023 ECTS Congress

Please refer to the ECTS website for further details on the nomination process.

ECTS Excellence in Research Award:

The ECTS Annual Congress is recognized world-wide for the excellent quality of its scientific programme. Each year top international experts are invited to present state-of-the-art lectures on new developments in musculoskeletal research. With the ECTS Excellence in Research Award ECTS recognizes scientists who substantially advanced the field of musculoskeletal research. The recipient of the award is selected by the ECTS Board of Directors from the group of invited speakers of the ECTS Annual Congress.

ECTS Steven Boonen Clinical Research Award:

In memory of Professor Steven Boonen, who sadly passed away during the ECTS 50th Anniversary Congress in Lisbon on 20 May 2013. ECTS would like to remember and honour Steven during its annual congress by introducing an annual Steven Boonen Clinical Research Award, supported by Amgen.

ECTS Mike Horton Basic/Translational Award:

Professor Mike Horton (1948-2010) was a hematologist-turned-basic scientist who made significant contributions in the bone field and beyond. He performed pioneering work in osteoclast biology which resulted, among other things, in the recognition of the alpha v beta 3 integrin as a therapeutic target for inhibiting bone resorption. His warm personality and wide-ranging interests inspired many young researchers. The award will be announced during the ECTS annual congress.

ECTS Iain T Boyle Award:

In memory of Professor Iain T Boyle (1935–2001) who contributed greatly to the field of mineral metabolism and his work on osteoporosis was known and acclaimed nationally and internationally. The award is open to young scientists who have made significant progress and contribution to the field of bone and calcified tissue. The award will be announced during the ECTS annual congress.

ECTS Philippe Bordier Clinical Award:

Doctor Philippe Bordier (1927-1977) contributed significantly to the bone field by developing bone histomorphometry, which he applied to the analysis of several bone diseases. His work and dynamism in science has been recognised in Europe and United States. The award will be announced during the ECTS annual congress.