Patient Group Representatives

ECTS is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit scientific society. Our mission is to promote excellence in research into the field of calcified tissues within Europe, and to ensure the findings are disseminated to enable benefit to patients with metabolic bone disease.

Our members are basic and clinical researchers, allied health professionals who join forces with the vision of advancing science, build careers and networks for all members in the musculoskeletal field.

In addition to partnerships with healthcare providers and their societies, ECTS envisions broader collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including patient organisations.

We have supported the creation of the European Rare Bone Forum (ERBF), a patient-led forum where European patient organisations, scientific societies, academia, pharmaceutical companies, expert clinicians and researchers, can discuss and network, fostering early collaborations, to improve the health outcomes and care in the field of rare bone diseases and empower the rare disease community across Europe.

We aim at bringing together professionals and patient group representatives to ensure that the meaningful research and that the best healthcare is delivered accross Europe.


Are you a Patient Group Representative in the Rare Bone Disease field?

You can register to the ECTS 2023 Congress and benefit of a reduced registration fee, but you will be invited to confirm:

  • You are a member or a paid member of the staff of a patient organisation
  • The patient organisation is a registered charity

If you are a patient yourself, please also note that you may not be allowed to access industry sponsored sessions or have discussions at the commercial exhibition.